Meristem Wall

Cover image for Meristem Wall

Meristem Wall is a prototype of a fully 3D printed building envelope made using sand binder jetting and complemented with a custom CNC knitted fabric. The wall incorporates a system of transient and controllable airflows modeled on the physiology of termite mounds, allowing it to act as a climate modulator and provide a habitat for urban wildlife.

The wall’s geometry and the integrated airflow enables it to function as a biological habitat, taking the concept of the green wall beyond a monocultural garden. The wall is designed using an interdependent model that negotiates the space and relationship between a wide range of functions including utilities, aesthetic preferences, structural performance, and bioclimatic considerations. This self-organizing simulation is capable of creating unique compositions of space to fit a wide range of context and functional needs.

Year 2021
Location Time Space Existence exhibition at European Culture Center during the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2021
Role Development and performance optimization of voxel based workflow
Collaborators Ana Goidea & David Andréen at bioDigitalMatter at ABM LTH & Mariana Popescu at Block Research group, ETH Zürich)
Industry partners voxeljet & Sandhelden
