
Clay Rotunda - SE MusicLab
A circular undulating clay wall 5 m high with a 6 m radius built using a method of robotic clay aggregation developed at MAS DFAB and in my thesis project Adaptive Clay Formations.

Meristem Wall
Meristem Wall is a prototype of a fully 3D printed building envelope made using sand binder jetting and complemented with a custom CNC knitted fabric. The wall incorporates a system of transient and controllable airflows modeled on the physiology of termite mounds, allowing it to act as a climate modulator and provide a habitat for urban wildlife.

Adaptive Clay Formations
Thesis project where a robotic clay aggregation method developed at MAS DFAB was further explored and refined. The project resulted in a 3.2 m long and 1.2 m high wall segment built using a six axis industrial robot mounted on a movable platform, and built with the robot re-localized three times.

SEMusicLab clay wall mockup
Gramazio Kohler Research’s MAS DFAB pavilion project 2019/2020.
Quarter of circular undulating clay wall 5 m high with a 6 m radius built using a method of robotic clay aggregation developed at MAS DFAB. Built to test construction height and openings. The structure was built by a small team in 3 weeks.

Digital bamboo pavilion
Description 40 m² pavilion made out of straight bamboo members and bespoke 3D-printed nylon joints. Designed and built by the whole class of MAS DFAB 19/20, project led by Marirena Kladeftira at Digital Building Technologies, ETH Zürich.

Concrete Calligraphy - growth()
Design and research project into robotic concrete 3D-printing of facade elements, built on Ana Anton’s (DBT) research into robotic concrete 3D-printing.

Swallow's nest
Research project into bio-mimetics and clay printing where a method of discrete depositions of clay globules using an off-the-shelf 3D printer was developed.